Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Our Partnership

Philippians 1:3-6
As parents we partner together to bring the gospel--God's good news of unconditional love--to our children. We have confidence that what we start God will be faithful to complete. We entrust our children to His care. We work together, seeking to accomplish His purposes.

You may be in a situation in which you feel you cannot talk about God. There may not be others in your neighborhood whom you can turn to for support in raising your children to walk in God's ways. You may not feel there are others close by who have "partnership in the gospel" with you.

Paul also wrote to people living in Corinth, saying that there are many parts, but one body of Christ. If we follow Christ, we have been baptized by His Spirit into one body (1 Corinthians 12:12-13). We may find partners in God's kingdom in a scout troop, on a soccer team, or in our local church. We work together for one common purpose: to share God's love.

You may have already discovered ways you can share the good news of God's love with your own children and other families with whom you come in contact. You are partners with those parents in your goals and desires for your children's growth and success in all areas of life. As you pray for your children, ask God to show you how He wants you to partner with Him to complete His work, that which you have faithfully started in their lives.

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