Monday, September 19, 2011


Philippians 2:25-30

Paul encourages and builds quite a network of believers through his correspondence. He wants to send Timothy to Philippi and he wants to see his friends himself. Paul says he will send Epaphroditus to the Philippians because they heard and were concerned about his welfare.

We can support this same fellowship and sense of camaraderie among parents in our community. As I raised my children, they participated in community soccer, scouts, church youth groups, and events at our neighborhood elementary school. We became acquainted with several families and discovered they engaged in some of the same activities we did. We developed working relationships and enjoyed the shared endeavor of parenting.

If you are the only Christian in your neighborhood, seek to develop relationships with fellow parents at a local church or other community organization. You may also find other Christian parents within a local elementary school with whom you can share encouragement in the faith. God's Word encourages us to build a network to share His love.

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