Thursday, May 15, 2008

Our loving God

The question came up in Bible study the other day why a loving God would allow people to go to hell. We talked about how He loves us so much He gives us freedom of choice. I like to think of it as I would give my children a choice--to make the wrong choice--because I love them and I want the best for them, and part of that "best" is allowing them to grow and become their own person. The other way I've thought of this concept is expressed (briefly) in a poem I wrote

he said
You are a gentleman –
in black tux,
satin lapels, red carnation boutonniere,
not one
to rape my soul.

I can turn to You
surely Your hand will not
smother me,
the person I am.


Unknown said...

This is so very true. We need to know when to let go sometimes.

It's a ritual of practice but we do hold the key

I love your poem

Katie said...

Sometimes time changes the writer and the reader!