Thursday, March 6, 2008


Below, a poem I wrote one year for this season.


Glance for a moment
set it aside
bits of truth
you dare to hide
beneath a calloused heart

Look inside your calloused heart

Consider your life
the mercy and sacrifice
what will you give up
to face the truth
you tear apart?



GACCY said...

Your poem will certainly touch many hearts! Why not leave copies on cards or small pieces of paper in conspicuous places. The laundromat (whether or not you wash clothes there) is a great place since people are usually looking for reading material as they do their wash. I obviously enjoyed your poem.


theskett said...

You have some good thoughts here about "self-publishing" poetry. Poets then must question their purposes in writing poetry: for their own use or benefit, to try to sell and publish, or to just express themselves and get the word out to people?

A teacher friend and I briefly discussed creating a line of greeting cards targeted to encourage students. What you suggest might be something similar, only with different target audience.

Glad you liked it.

Anonymous said...

That's really what prompted me to get my own webpage. I was writing articles for publishers to use in their journals. After waiting weeks and sometimes months for the publication to come out--or for a response from publishers, I decided that I would self publish--on the Internet. Now, writing has become even more enjoyable since my purpose is to express myself.

theskett said...

I'm hearing more and more about self-publishing... and I suppose with a purpose of self expression the old saying for writers holds true, "don't quit your day job." I had a conversation recently about what makes a "writer" a writer -- and we determined it didn't have much to do with money, but rather the drive to express oneself, to make writing a priority in life.