Friday, March 7, 2008

Prayer vs. Study

However, as I tried to decipher the prayer books last night, I determined I truly am logical-sequential, and I would prefer to do my Bible reading in a logical fashion. In the prayer book(s) I would have to turn to Day xx in this part, and the corresponding day in the next part, and for the readings I might read a Psalm and/or a selection from the gospels. All well and good, but it leaves out a fair portion of God's Word. This season I would most likely focus on Psalms and the Gospels anyway, so that's ok. But I'm doing well to figure out (maybe) how many Sundays or Wednesdays we have before Palm Sunday, let alone which day it is of Lent. So I gave up, and went back to my reading of Luke.

The question I'm asking myself as I read through Luke is: what does this passage say about becoming like Jesus? This is a foundational question for a study I hope to work /write through. Next question, is the concept of "becoming like Jesus" even in the Bible? I think it is, although not in so many words. Any input out there on verses that speak to this?

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